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We vs. They

Let's talk about pet peeves for a moment. We all have them. I'm not talking about the silly people who sing the wrong lyrics to songs I...

Let's Go Sailing!

"A smooth sea never yielded a skilled sailor" - English Proverb Today I'm sharing one of my all-time favorite quotes. This one has come...

Let's Get This Started (Again)!

About 15 years ago, I started sending out motivational quotes (you guessed it, on Mondays) to my colleagues at AT&T Wireless. What...

Memorial Day

There are not enough likes, retweets, hearts, or thumbs up that can express my appreciation and gratitude to those who have given...

Leaning In: A Lesson in Leadership

This is a post about leaning in. Not the Cheryl Sandberg-type of leaning in or a post about women in leadership positions in the...

Remembering D-Day

Attached below is the message that General Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered to the Allied troops just before invading Normandy on June 6,...

Engagement. It's a Two-Way Street

There's no shortage of blog posts, surveys, white papers and articles today talking about Employee Engagement. A quick Google search...

Forget Style...Choose Substance

Six sentences. That was all it took to make my week. Last week, I received a note, via LinkedIn, from a guy that I worked with several...

Living in Oz: A Lesson in Engagement

Okay, I'll admit it...I'm a sucker for 80's music. I grew up in the 80's and during my formative years I got to experience things like...

The End of the Innocence

We're going to see a lot of pictures of the World Trade Center and images from September 11, 2001 this week. Most of us have these images...

"Here is what we're going to do today!"

"Here is what we're going to do today!" I had lunch this week with an HR friend and that is exactly what the waiter proclaimed as he...

Motivational Message - Be the Pig!

A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road. The Chicken says, "Hey Pig, I was thinking we should open a restaurant!". Pig replies,...

The Sum of You

"A smooth sea never yielded a skilled sailor." - Unknown This is, without a doubt, one of my all-time, favorite quotes. I got this from a...



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